Senin, 24 November 2014

Youth and Socialization

Name       : Erlina Indriani
Class        : 2SA01
NPM       : 12613947

1. youth

In the basic pattern formation and development of the young generation, which is the youth is:
a. In terms of biological youth are aged 15-30 years
b. Culturally / functional, young man aged 18/21 and above is considered an adult ssudah example for state duties and suffrage.
c. Of the labor force are young and old power terms. Young workers were aged 18-22 years.
d. Judging from modern planning identify three resources, namely natural resources, financial and human. The definition of the data source is aged 0-18th young manuasia
e. Judging from the political ideology of the younger generation is the replacement candidate's previous generation aged between 18-30 or 40 th.
f. Judging from age, institutions and money earned a scope 3 categories:
- Students age 6-18th at school
- Students age 18-25 in college
- Youth environment outside of school / college age 25-30 years

b.      In the basic pattern formation and development of the younger generation, the younger generation is seen from several aspects:
a. social psychology
The process of growth and development of the personality, as well as body and spiritual adjustment since from childhood to adulthood can be influenced by several factors, such as mental retardation, one of the foster parents or teachers, negative influence environment. Such constraints allow juvenile delinquency, drug issue and others.
b. socialist culture
The development of youth in the process of modernization with all the consequences that his side can affect the maturation process, so if it does not obtain a clear direction, the style and color of the future of the country and other nations will be aspired.
c. socioeconomic
Rising unemployment among young people because of lack of jobs as a result of the uneven population growth and development.
d. social and political
Not to direct to political education among the youth and not too feel mechanism Pancasila democracy, the rule of law and national discipline that is an obstacle to the aspirations of the younger generation portfolio.

From the description above it can be concluded that issues concerning young people today are:
- Decreased mental idealism, patriotism, and nationalism
- lack of certainty which is experienced by younger generation towards their future
- Not by the number of youth and educational facilities provided bail formal / non-formal and the high number of dropouts.
- Lack of employment and employment opportunities so that higher unemployment resulting in a lack of national productivity.
- Poor nutrition is causing an obstacle to intelligence and the physical growth, because of the ignorance about balanced nutrition and low purchasing power.
- There are still a lot of under-age marriage, especially among rural communities.
- Employing young people who suffer physically, mentally and socially.
- Promiscuity that harm the joints of marriage and family life.
- The increase in juvenile delinquency, drug abuse.
- The absence of laws and regulations concerning the younger generation.

The role of youth in society distinguished by two things:
a. The role of youth is based on youth efforts to adjust to the demands of the environment:
- Youth continue the tradition and support the tradition
- Youth who conform with parties attempting to change the tradition.
b. The role of the youth who refuse to adapt to the environment can be divided into:
- Type the youth generation, ie decomposing or clarity opening of a social problem. Examples of letters Renda and Anwar in his time.
- Type juvenile / delinkuen, that kind of youth who do not intend to make changes in culture and society, but just trying to benefit from the community with beneficial action for yourself.
- Type of radical youth, those who wish to major change society and culture through the means of radical, revolutionary without further thinking about what next.

d.      The principle of the development of the younger generation
1. The principle of educational, training and development by elements outside the younger generation and fellow youth.
2. The principle of unity of the nation
3. The principle of spontaneous, growing willingness of young people to build and develop themselves and their environment.
4. The principle of integrated alignment
5. The principle of empowerment and functionalization, the increasing number of youth organizations that there will need to be setup to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of programs of youth in national development.

e.       Direction of coaching and youth development
1. Oriented in God, spiritual values and life philosophy of Pancasila.
2. Orientation into himself, develop talents physical and spiritual abilities in him in order to provide maximum achievement.
3. Orientation out of the environment (cultural, moral and social) and its future. Source of outward orientation is divided into:
- Development of a socio-cultural beings
- Development of a political and social beings as beings patriots.
- Socio-economic development as a human being, including as human beings work and profession that has the ability to leverage resources and maintain its sustainability.
- Development of youth towards their future. Sensitivity to the future will develop the ability to be introspective, creative, critical.

f.       The purpose of coaching and youth development
1. Strengthening national unity
2. Creating a cadre of national struggle successor
3. Delivery of national cadres with workforce development virtuous, dynamic and creative.
4. Realizing Indonesian citizens who have the creativity of national culture.
5. Creating a cadre of patriotic defenders conscious nation and national resilience.

g.      Lane guidance and youth development
a. Main line group
- Line family, implementation of coaching and development are the parents and immediate family members
- Strip the younger generation, youth organizations that exist as OSIS, Senate, Scouts, Karang Taruna
b. Group support lines
- Line of school / preschool: the organization of parents, educators and enataan quality ingredients.
- Line of society: the path institutionalized society (institutions of worship, social organizations). People who are not institutionalized path 9pergaulan everyday, recreation the place)
c. Group coordinative lane (lane governments)
a. System coordination through the Implementation Coordination Board Development younger generation.
b. The implementation of organizational coaching and youth development through coaching youth controller unit led by minister of youth affairs.

2  . Socialization
a.       definition
Socialization is defined as a lifelong process of how an individual study habits that include ways of life, values, and social norms contained in the community in order to be accepted by society.

b.      type Socialization
By type, socialization is divided into two categories: primary socialization (in the family) and secondary socialization (in the community). According to Goffman both processes take place in a total institution, namely the residence and place of work. In both of these institutions, there are a number of individuals in the same situation, apart from the general public within a certain period of time, together lead terkukung life, and set up formally.
> Primary Socialization
Peter L. Berger and Luckmann define as the primary socialization socialization individual first lived as a child to learn to become a member of the community (family). Primary socialization takes place when children aged 1-5 years or when the child does not go to school. Children begin to recognize members of the family and the family environment. Gradually he began to be able to distinguish itself with others around her family.
In this stage, the role of the people closest to the child becomes very important because a child has made limited interaction patterns in it. The color of the child's personality will be greatly determined by the color of the personality and the interaction that occurs between children and immediate family members.
> Secondary socialization
Secondary socialization is a socialization process continued after the introduction of primary socialization of individuals into specific groups in society. One form is resocialization and desocialization . In the process of resocialization, one is given a new identity. While in the process of desocialization, someone experiencing 'revocation' old identity.
Internalization is the process of societal norms that did not stop until the institutionalization of course, but perhaps these norms ingrained in the soul of the community members. These norms are sometimes distinguished between norms;
- Norms that govern personal that includes norms of trust that aims to human conscience clean.
- Norms that govern personal relationships, including the rules of politeness and the rule of law and has the objective to bring men to behave well in the social life and aims to achieve a peaceful life.

c.        The process of socialization
-Stage preparation (Preparatory Stage)
This stage experienced since human beings are born, when a child is preparing to recognize their social world, including to gain an understanding of ourselves. At this stage children begin to imitate activities, though not perfect.
Example: The word "eat" that taught mothers to their children who are toddlers pronounced "mam". Meaning of the word is also not well understood by the child's right. Over time the child understands the exact meaning of the word eat with reality they experienced.
Mimic-stage (Stage Play)
This stage is characterized by the more perfect a child imitating role performed by adults. At this stage begin to form on anma self awareness and the name of his parents, his sister, and so on. Children begin to realize what a mother and what is expected of a mother of a child. In other words, the ability to put yourself in someone else also began to take shape at this stage. The realization that the human social world contains a lot of people have begun to form. Most of these people are those that are considered important for the formation and survival of themselves, ie where children absorb the norms and values. For a child, these people were called the people who really count (Significant other)
Ready-stage act (Game Stage)
Impersonation is done already started to diminish and be replaced by a direct role played by himself with full consciousness. His ability to put yourself in someone else was increased to allow for the ability to play together. He began to realize the demand to defend family and cooperate with his friends. At this stage opponents connections interact more and more complex. Individuals begin to relate to peers outside the home. Regulations applicable outside the family are gradually beginning to be understood. At the same time, children begin to realize that there are certain norms that apply outside the family.
-Stage acceptance of collective norms (Generalized Stage / Generalized other)
At this stage a person has been considered an adult. He was able to put himself in the position of the community at large. In other words, he can tolerate not only the people who interact with them but also with the wider community. Adult humans realize the importance of regulation, the ability to work together-even with other people who do not known- steadily. Man with self development at this stage have become citizens in the fullest sense.

d.       Objective Socialization
Socialization has the following objectives:
a. provide skills to someone to be able to live in a society
b. develop the ability to communicate effectively
c. help control the functions of organic learned through introspective exercises right.
d. Getting used to behave in accordance with the values and fundamental beliefs that exist in society.

e.        Form of socialization youth / student
1. The role of youth / students in establishing independence. After the proclamation of Indonesian youth to form a political and military organization.
2. The role of the student / youth in pioneering new order. The formation of the Pancasila Front against the PKI and the birth of Pancasila Front Student Action Union / US. WE a battering ram to the new order.
3. The role of youth in society
- Some agent of change, which is held in the change towards a better society and human nature.
- As an agent of development, which is staged development in all areas of physical and non-physical.
- As an agent of modernization, namely youth to act as a pioneer updates.

individual, family and society

Name        : Erlina Indriani
Class         : 2SA01
NPM        : 12613947

Individual, Family and Community

  1.  Individuals
a.       Definition
Individuals derived from the Latin word meaning individual undivided .. individual emphasize inquiry to the realities of life are special and how to affect human lives (Abu Ahmadi, 1991: 23).
Individuals not mean humans as a whole that can not be divided, but as a finite entity, ie as individual human beings.

Individual is a man who not only has a special role in the social environment, but also has a personality as well as his specific behavior patterns.

 There are three aspects which are attached as the perception of the individual, the organic aspects of physical, psychological-spiritual aspects, and social aspects in the event of a shock at some aspects will take effect on other aspects.

 Individuals in behavior according to his personal pattern there are 3 possibilities: first to deviate from the norm of collective loss of individuality, the second defeat of the collective, and the third affects the community (Hartomo, 2004: 64).

Individuals will not be clearly identified in the absence of a society into the background which is existence. Individuals trying to distance himself and process to form a behavior that is consistent with the circumstances and in accordance with the behavioral habits that have existed in him.

Man  Individual are in the midst of a group of individuals who at once and maturity to become a person who process requires an environment that can shape it personal. However, not all environments supporting factors of personal formation but sometimes a barrier to the process of personal formation.
b.       Individual development

Human at birth appears to be very weak, but the baby has a lot of possibilities to develop. Babies processing to be a child and the child will grow into adults.

The principles of human development are as follows:
1) Development of follow certain patterns and takes place on a regular basis.
2) The development towards differentiation and integration of movements that are mass toward specific movements.
3) Growth and development does not occur suddenly but gradually take place regularly and continuously.
4) A high level of development is influenced by the nature of previous developments.
5) The development of a child is different from other children, both in the
development of each aspect of mental as well as rapid or slow the development of (Hartomo, 2004: 69).

Environmental influences on individuals and communities in particular to the formation of individuality is great, but otherwise the individual was capable of influencing the public. The ability of individuals is a priority in relation to humans.
2.      Family
a.       Definition
The family is a group of people living in part or whole building who live together and eat from the kitchen are not limited to those who have a blood relative, or someone who inhabit some or all of the buildings that takes care of his own needs.

The family comes from Sanskrit: kula and citizens "kulawarga" which means "members" "kin group". The family is the environment in which a few people who still have blood relations, united.

Family a core ("nuclear family") consisting of father, mother, and their children.
Understanding The family is the smallest unit of society consisting of head of the family and some of the people who collected and live in a place under a roof in a state of mutual dependence. (According to the Ministry of Health (1998).

A collection of some people who because bound by the derivative and understand and feel stands as one combined intrinsic, essential, tasty and wills together reinforce the joint to glorify each of its members. (Ki Hajar Dewantara)

b.      Role in the family
Contained in various roles within the family are as follows:
 1. The role of father: Dad as the husband of his wife and children, a role as breadwinners, educator, protector and provider safety, as the head of the family, as a member of a social group as well as members of social groups as well as members of the environmental community.
2. Role Mother: As a wife and mother of his children, the mother has a role to take care of the household, as caregivers and educators of their children, protective and as one of a group of social roles as well as community members from the environment, but it is also the mother can act as a secondary earner in the family.
3. Role of Children: Children perform the role of psychosocial accordance with the level of development of physical, mental, social, and spiritual.

c.       Family duties
Tasks Family Basically there are eight family duties following main tasks:
1. Physical Maintenance and family members.
2. Maintenance of the resources that exist in the family.
3. The division of tasks of each of its members in accordance with their respective position.
4. Socialization among family members.
5. Setting the number of family members.
6. Maintenance order family members.
7. Placement of family members in the wider society.
8. Generating encouragement and spirit of its members.

d.      Functions of the family
Family Functions There are several functions that can run the family, as follows:
1. Function of Education. In this case the task is to educate families and send their children to prepare for adulthood and the future of adult children in future.
2. The function of socialization of the child. Family duties in carrying out this function is how families prepare children to become good members of society.
3. Protection Functions. The task of the family in this case is to protect children from acts that are not good, so family members feel protected and feel safe.
4. Function feeling. Tasks in this family is keeping it instuitif feeling and atmosphere of the child and other members to communicate and interact among fellow members of the family. So that mutual understanding of each other in fostering harmony in the family.
5. Religious Functions. Family duties in this function is to introduce and invite children and other family members in religious life, and the task of the head of the family to instill the belief that there are other beliefs that govern this life and there is another life after this world.
6. Economical function. The task of the head of the family in this case is to find the sources of life in fulfilling the functions of the family, the head of the family to work to earn money, regulate the income, such that it can meet the needs of family-necessary
7. Functions recreation. The task of the family in this recreation function does not have to always go to a place of recreation, but it is important how to create a pleasant atmosphere in the family so that it can be done at home by watching TV together, talked about each other's experiences, etc.
8. Biological Functions. The main task of the family in this case is to continue the descent as the next generation.
9. Giving affection, attention, and security between family, as well as fostering personality maturation family members.

That the family has a function as satisfying the individual needs, can be designated a concrete example for example in the field of love., Sexual needs, and the need to keep personal secrets.
Reproductive function implies breed, or breed. Is not hardly a husband and wife who do not want to have children?
The function of socialization, the question is the duty of every father and mother to guide, or introduce and understand the norms of life to their children. This is also related to put the child function in society, so that the children understand manners association with the people around him.

While sexual adjustment function, is a function to preserve or cultivate the rules of intercourse in humans. Sexual arrangements as a family function, implemented in the following way:
1. To Embed validity norms (norm of legitimacy) in sex. For example, should not be related sex with a person who is not a legitimate wife or husband.
2. Enforcing taboos in sex with close relatives. For example: taboo sex with close relatives or in the engagement period.
3. Prevent irregularities in sexual intercourse. For example: adultery, cement leven (cohabiting), concubinage (konkubinasi), and give birth before marriage.
And social function in question is the duty of every father and mother to always supervise or control their children, so as not to deviate or break the rules came into effect social life.

e.       Rupture Family
The causes of the breakup of the family according to William J.Goode are:
1. Illegality marriage, which can lead to disruption of the function of a husband and wife.
2. divorce, or annulment of marriage.
3. Parting because one (husband or wife) died.
4. Family blank membrane, is a husband and wife who have actually been broken, but because it is not possible to divorce the child factor. They still remain a house, but had not mutually communicate.
5. Failure role, because of physical or mental disability.
6. Farewell because of the custom. Suppose that occurs in the family tribe Ashanti (Ghana, Africa). New brides at this rate, after marriage should be returned to live with their respective parents, seeing as the bond of indigenous local customs.

f.       Characteristics of family
It can be concluded that family characteristics are:
1. It consists of two or more individuals are bound by blood, marriage or adoption
2. Family members usually live together or if they remain separate for each other
3. The family members interact with each other and each has a social role: husband, wife, son, brother and sister
4. Having goals: creating and maintaining a culture, improve their physical, psychological, and social members.

g.      Structures of family
1.      patrilineal: blood family consisting of relatives by blood in a few generations, where the relationship was arranged through the father
2.      matrilineal: blood family consisting of relatives by blood within a few generations in which the relationship was arranged through the maternal line
3.       matrilocal: a married couple who lived with the mother's blood
4.      patrilocal: a married couple who lived with the husband's blood
5.       Family marriage: marital relationship as a basis for the development of the family, and some relatives who become part of the family because of their relationship with their husband or wife.

h.      Charactristics of family in Indonesia
1. Husband as decision makers
2. It is a unified whole
3. Shaped monogram
4. Responsible
5. Decision-makers
6. Continuing the cultural values of the nation
7. familial bond very closely
8. Has the spirit of mutual help

i.        Problems in the family
a.       Income
b.      children
c.       Attendance other party
d.      Sex
e.       Faith
f.       Laws
g.       Various Difference
h.      Communication limited

3.      Society
a.       Definition
Humans are creatures who have a desire to merge with each other and the natural environment. By using thoughts, instincts, feelings, desires, etc. humans react and interact with the environment. Social interaction patterns generated by a continuous relationship in a society.

A. Definition Meaning / Definition of Community
Here below are some of the public understanding of some sociologists world.
1. According Selo Sumardjan society are people who live together and produce culture.
2. According to Karl Marx is a society that is suffering from a tension structure or development of the organization as a result of conflict between groups divided economically.
3. According to Emile Durkheim society is an objective reality suau individuals who are members.
4. According to Paul B. Horton & C. Hunt human society is a collection of relatively independent, living together in a long time, living in a particular area, have the same culture as well as do most of the activities in the group / the human body .

b.       Factors / Elements Society
According Soerjono Soekarno natural society at least contain the following elements as:
1.  consisting of at last two people
2. Members realized as a whole.
3. Connect the long time that produce new man communicating and making the rules of the relationship between members of the public.
4. Being a system that raises living together culture and relation to one another as members of society.

c.        Characteristic / Criteria Good Society
According to Marion Levy takes four criteria that must be met in order for a human set of be said / called society:
1. There is a major action system.
2. Mutual loyal to the main action system.
3. Able to withstand more than the lifetime of a member.
4. Some or all entire new members come from the birth / human reproduction.

d.    Society groups
1. Simple Society.
In simple societies (primitive) patterns of division of labor tends to be differentiated according to gender. The division of labor by sex, seems to stem from the starting of the background of the weakness and physical abilities between a woman and a man in the face of the challenges of nature.
2. Forward Society.
Advanced society has a variety of social group needs, or better known as sebuatan group community organizations grow and evolve based on the needs and specific objectives to be achieved.
3. Non Industrial Society.
Broadly speaking, the national group or non-industrial civil society organizations can be classified into two categories, namely primary group (primary group) and the secondary group (secondary group).

a. Primary group
In the primary group, the interaction between members established more intensive, more closely, more familiar. The primary group is also called the "face to face group", because the group members often engage in dialogue, face to face, because it was to know each other more closely, more intimate .Character of interaction patterned primary groups based on kinship and sympathy.
The division of labor or the division of tasks in the group, which receive and execute tasks don’t forcible, more emphasis on awareness, responsibility and the members took place on the basis of sympathy and voluntarily. Examples of primary groups, among others: family, neighborhood, study groups, religious groups, and so forth.

b. secondary group
Between members of the secondary group, adrift indirect mutual relations, formal, less also be
kinship. Therefore, the nature of the interaction, the division of labor among the members of the group are set on the basis of rational considerations. Objective.
The members accept the division of labor / tasks on the basis of ability: specific skills, in addition to the dedication required.
Such things were necessary to achieve the specific goals and objectives that have been dif lot in programs that have been agreed upon. Examples of secondary groups, for example: political parties, associations of trade unions / labor unions, professional organizations and so on.
4. Industrial Society
If the complex division of labor increases, a sign that the higher the capacity of the community. Solidarity is based on a relationship of interdependence between groups of people who have known specialization. A kind of autonomy, is also a characteristic of part or industry groups. A kind of autonomy can be interpreted by the intelligence / special skills of a person independently, to a certain extent.

Aspects of individuals, groups, communities are social aspects that can not be separated. All three have a very close relationship. If there is no individual there is no group, if there is no family group would not exist, if there is no family would not society. While on the other hand to develop as human existence, the individual in need families and communities, namely the medium in which people can express their social aspects