Minggu, 21 Juni 2015


In recent decades, cities have grown so large that now about 50% of the Earth's population lives in urban areas. There are several reasons for this occurrence. First, the increasing industrialization of the nineteenth century resulted in the creation of many factory jobs, which tended to be located in cities. These jobs, with their promise of a better material life, attracted many people from rural areas. Second, there were many schools established to educate the children of the new factory laborers. The promise of a better education persuaded many families to leave farming communities and move to the cities. Finally, as the cities grew, people established places of leisure, entertainment, and culture, such as sports stadiums, theaters, and museums. For many people, these facilities made city life appear more interesting than life on the farm, and therefore drew them away from rural communities.


Dropping Out
For many teenagers, there are numerous negative factors that can lead them to give up on their education and drop out of school. The first cause is that many teenagers lack positive role models in their lives. The lack of an encouraging adult in their lives can cause them to think negatively about themselves and it does not allow them to live up to their full potential. Also, the lack of a positive role model can cause them to get involved with the wrong kind of people and activities. When students get involved in these types of negative situations, they usually don't focus on school. This can lead many impressionable young children to give up on their education. Another factor that cause a student to give up on school is a lack of determination. If they're not determined to graduate, it can be very difficult for them to stay in school. Many students find it difficult to stay focused on school when they when they feel that getting an education is useless. Some students only attend school because they are forced to and they are not there to further their education. The third and final factor is peer pressure. Many students give into pure pressure very easily. If the pure pressure is negative, this can lead them into drugs and alcohol. The drugs and alcohol can cause them to drop out very easily because that is the only thing that they are focused on and it can easily ruin a child's life.


Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline.


Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of 114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214 square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona is a landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a significant coastline.


Life now and life five years ago
My life now and my life five years ago are similar but there are also some major differences. Five years ago,I was living in Havre and going to high school. I didn’t have to work because my parents supported me. I went to school everyday and spent time with my friends. I babysat my nieces everyday after school because both of my parents were working at the time. I had the responsibility of feeding them and making sure nothing happened to them while I was watching them. I didn’t really have any major goals five years ago. I wasn’t really thinking about my future quite yet. On the other hand, now I live in Great Falls and I’m not in high school anymore. I have to work now in order to support myself. I only work twenty hours a week because I’m in school right now. I have a lot more responsibility now than I did five years ago. I have to take responsibility for myself now and everything that I do. I have a lot of major goals now. For instance, I want to graduate and get my two year degree. I want to come back and get a bachelor’s degree. I have a lot of things that I want to accomplish now. Five years ago, I really wasn’t going anywhere with my life, but now I’m starting to get my life in order and deciding what I want to do. In addition,I am still living at home with my parents and I still go to school. I still baby sit my nieces every once in a while. I find time to spend with my family and friends. I still have some of the same responsibilities. I help my mom take care of my oldest niece. She has always lived with us, so I’ve always helped take care of her ever since she was a baby. Even though she is not a baby anymore,I still have to baby sit her when my parents are gone because she is not quite old enough to stay by herself yet. I still have to depend on my parents for transportation because I don’t have a vehicle right now. My life now has changed a lot in only five years.

Sabtu, 20 Juni 2015

Pengalaman berwirausaha

Disini saya akan menceritakan pengalaman saya selama berwirausaha jajanan pasar seperti risol isi mayonaise, tahu isis, pastel isi sayuran , pisang coklat dan lain-lain. Pada hari pertama tanggal 6 mei 2015. Saya berjualan di sekitar rumah saya saat sore hari. Saya mengambil waktu sore hari karena ketika sore hari di daerah rumah saya sangatlah ramai. Banyak orang-orang mulai dari yang anak kecil hingga dewasa bermain di lapangan. Dengan kondisi yang seperti ini saya memutuskan untuk berjualan di lapangan daerah rumah saya. Pada hari pertama, saya pulang kampus pukul 14.30. Sampai rumah pukul 15.00. Setelah itu saya langsung mendatangi toko yang menjual jajanan pasar. Pada saat itu saya memesan risol isi mayonaise, kue sus dan sosis solo yang berjumlah 45. Pada hari kedua saya menjual lagi jajanan pasar dengan menu yang sama seperti hari pertama namun jumlah risol isi mayonaise saya tambah menjadi 25 buah karena banyak yang suka. Jadi saya menjual jajanan pasar pada hari kedua sebanyak 50 buah. Pada hari ke tiga, menu yang55 buah. Dagangan saya lun habis. saya jual diganti. Saya menjual risol isi mayonaise, tahu isi dan pastel isi sayur sebanyak 55 buah, dagangam saya pun habis. Pada hari ke 4, saya berjualan pisang coklat, tahubisi dan pastel isi mayonaise sebanyak 55 buah. Banyak dari pembeli yang membeli tidak hanya 1 melainkan 2-3 makanan. Hal itulah yang membuat dagangan saya habis terjual.

Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

Review Film The Secret

Review Film The Secret
Name : Erlina Indriani
Class      : 2SA01
NPM      : 12613947

The secret adalah sebuah film dimana terdapat beberapa orang yang menjelaskan tentang hukum tarik-menarik yang dapat berpengaruh di dalam hidup kita. Jika anda memikirkan suatu pikiran , maka anda menarik pikiran anda ke dalam diri anda. Karen apa pun yang ada di dalam hidup kita terjadi karena kita yang menariknnya. Cara termudah melihat hukum tarik-menarik adalah dengan mengaggap diri kita sebagai magnet. Tugas kita adalah dengan membuat apa yang kita inginkan menjadi kenyataan. Anda menjadi apa yang ada fikirkan. Pada prinsipnya ada 3 prinsip yang diringkas secara sederhan yaitu pikiran,  menjadikan  dan  sesuatu. Hukum ketertarikan berkata “ kami akan berikan apa yang anda kaakan dan fokuskan”. Jadi jika kita memikirkajn akan sesuatu yang buruk, kau sedang membuatnya menjadi lebih buruk. Semua akan berubah karena ia berfokus pada apa yang tak diinginkan  apa  yang anda takutkan , apa yang anda hindari , tapi berfokus pada apa yang anda inginkan. Hilangkan focus kekhhawatiran di dalam diri anda. Kita arus tahu bagaimana menerapkan konsep sebuah rahasia.
Proses “the secret” mebantu anda menciptakan apa yang anda inginkan dalam tiga hal  yaitu : meminta, percaya dan menerima. Ini salah satu hal yang dapat membantu anda  , gunakan imajinasi anda dan berpura-pura anda sudah memiliki uang yang banyak yang anda butuhkan. Lakukan permainan seakan-akan anda seakan-akan anda sudah memiliki kekayaan itu, dan anda akan merasa lebih baik tentang uang. Ketika anda merasa lebih baik tentang uang, lebih banyak uang akan mengalir ke hidup  anda. Merasa bahagia di saat kini adalah cara tercepat untuk mendatangkann uag kedalam hidup anda.  Niatkan untuk memandangi segala seauatu yang anda sukai dan katakana pada diri anda “ Saya mampu mendapatkannya .  Saya mampu membelinya”.  Memberikan uang akan mendatangkan lebih banyak uang ke dalam hidup anda. Ketika anda bermurah hati denga  uang dan merasa senang untuk berbagi dengan orang lain, sebenarnya anda berkata “Saya punya banyak uang”. Perlakukan diri dengan cinta dan hormat, maka anda akan menarik orang-orang yang cinta dan hormat  pada anda.  Fokuskan pada kualitas-kualotas yang anda sukai dari diri anda , maka hokum tarik-menarik akan menunjukan lebih banyak hal yang hebat tentang anda. Mulailah untuk bersyukur dengan apa yang anda miliki saat ini. Mulailah untuk menutup mat beberapa wkatu dan membayangkan apa yang anda inginkan. Ini cukup membantu anda untuk melakukan sesuatu yang luar biasa .