Selasa, 28 Oktober 2014

Social Solidarity

Name       : Erlina Indriani
Class        : 2SA01
NPM        : 12613947

Social Solidarity

A.    The meaning of Social Solidarity
Solidarity is unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on universities of interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one. The term is generally employed in sociology and the other social sciences as well as in philosophy or in Catholic social teaching.
What forms the basis of solidarity varies between societies. In simple societies it may be mainly based around kinship and shared values. In more complex societies there are various theories as to what contributes to a sense of social solidarity
''According to Durkheim, the types of social solidarity correlate with types of society. Durkheim introduced the terms "mechanical" and "organic solidarity" as part of his theory of the development of societies in The Division of Labour in Society (1893).

In a society exhibiting mechanical solidarity, its cohesion and integration comes from the homogeneity of individuals—people feel connected through similar work, educational and religious training, and lifestyle. Mechanical solidarity normally operates in "traditional" and small scale societies.

In simpler societies (e.g., tribal), solidarity is usually based on kinship ties of familial networks. Organic solidarity comes from the interdependence that arises from specialization of work and the complementarities between people—a development which occurs in "modern" and "industrial" societies.

Definition: it is social cohesion based upon the dependence individuals have on each other in more advanced societies. Although individuals perform different tasks and often have different values and interest, the order and very solidarity of society depends on their reliance on each other to perform their specified tasks.
Organic here is referring to the interdependence of the component parts. Thus, social solidarity is maintained in more complex societies through the interdependence of its component parts (e.g., farmers produce the food to feed the factory workers who produce the tractors that allow the farmer to produce the food).''
simply  answering
social solidarity is a set of norms, values and morals that hold a certain group of people together.

According W.J.S. Poerwodarminta Indonesian dictionary, 'loyalty' is derived from the word 'faithful' which means "stay and courageous (in the family, friendship)."
For example, although it has been so long her husband to go abroad, he remained faithful (remain steadfast heart) wait. The term loyal connotes "submissive and obedient (to the regulations, an obligation)." For example, after all the heavy task to be executed, he remains faithful (dutiful)
to do it. The term is also interpreted faithfully "hold fast (in the founding, promise)." For example, even if it rains with thick, he remained faithful to (cling to) fulfill a promise to go to his house.
Fidelity is a firm stance on the establishment and adherence to appointments, rules or values ​​that have been agreed.

A. Solidarity

Solidarity is a feeling of someone who comes from a sense of love for life together or fellow friends that realized with real charity in the form of sacrifice and willingness to maintain, defend, assist, and protect against life together.

B. Social Solidarity

Social solidarity or a sense of social solidarity is a spiritual potential, a commitment shared by the national identity as well as the Social Solidarity is the conscience of the Indonesian nation is replicated from the attitudes and behaviors based on the understanding, awareness, confidence and participation of social responsibility in accordance with the ability of each -
other citizens with a spirit of togetherness, a willingness to sacrifice for others, mutual cooperation in togetherness and kinship.
Therefore Social Solidarity is the Basic Value of Social Welfare, social capital (Social Capital) that exist in the community continue to be explored, developed and utilized in realizing the ideals of the Indonesian nation to state that Welfare Society.

As the basic values ​​of social welfare, social solidarity must continue to be revitalized in accordance with the actual conditions of the nation and is implemented in a concrete manifestation in our lives.
Social solidarity is a value that is meaningful to each nation. The soul and spirit of social solidarity in the life of the nation and the people of Indonesia in essence has been around since the days of our ancestors long before this country stand as an independent nation which became known as the nation of Indonesia.

The soul and the spirit of social solidarity in the course of the life of our nation has been tested in a variety of historical events, with the peak manifestation manifested in acts and attitudes based on the sense of community of the people of Indonesia in the face of practice or the practice of "social solidarity" are used to do in life everyday. For example, helping people who are sick.

B.     Examples of improving the ability to create a life based on the principles of social solidarity:

Getting used to help victims of natural disasters. In the previous explanation that the life of every human being to be significant when based on the principle of community life. Man by nature was always expected to live as social beings in addition to being individual . So, how or what should be done to help the victims of natural disasters? What to do include:

1. Help with sincerity without any expectation of reward or profit or loss into account.
2. Assist in accordance with their respective capabilities.
3. Do not offend people who suffered.
4. Be patient and gentle in speech.
5. If a precedence which could be prioritized.
6. Help sought didactic.

The collaborators in the public interest.
Examples of such acts committed:
1.      Work within the RT service, e.g gutter cleaning, cleaning the place of worship.
2. Work cult or mutual help build roads, bridges.
3. Maintain public facilities and so forth.

2.      Increasing family spirit.
To promote the spirit of family solidarity values ​​or cooperation can be implemented through other forms of activity. example:

1.    In a family environment, of the activities such as:
     - Eating together with the entire family.
     - Worshipping together.
     - Gathering to relatives and others.
2.      In the school environment, of the activities such as:
- Form a study group.
- Raise funds to help others who suffered the disaster.
- Work devotion.
- Social events and so forth.

C.    Moral values ​​of social solidarity
Social solidarity (social solidarity) is a person who comes from a feeling of love for a life together that is realized with real charity in the form of sacrifice and willingness to maintain, defend, and protect against life together.

From the sense of solidarity that we can feel or judge a person's humanity. Solidarity means:
1. Personal interests remains placed in the framework of consciousness obligation as a social being in social life.
2. The obligation to the community and the nation felt bigger than his personal interests.

As for the moral values ​​embodied in social solidarity including the following:
1. Please help. Moral values ​​is evident in people's lives, such as: helping fellow neighbors. For example, to help victims of natural disasters or visit a sick neighbor.
2. Mutual assistance, such as working the fields or build a house.
3. Cooperation. This reflects an attitude of moral value to cooperate with others, although different in ethnicity, race, skin color, and does not discriminate the differences in cooperation.
4. The value of togetherness. The moral is there because of the attachment of self and self-interest and fellow loyalty, help and defend each other. Examples contribute something to the place of disaster, whether it be flood, famine or attacked by another nation.
D.    Joint Action Growing Sense of Social Solidarity

The case of an individual or community problem, if still showing inequality or social injustice in the process of completion, has cultivate an attitude of caring support, in solidarity together. Sense of social solidarity has been a great opportunity in the hope of solving common problems that require critical thinking and control are balanced.
Here's just one example of how the reality of joint action that have nurtured the spirit of social solidarity.

1. Collecting Social Contribution
There is a form of charity box, wallet care, social accounts, and the other to collect donations, money or goods

2. Establish a Command Post Social Care
Command post (the post), an integrated post, and post construction, often together when there is a personal disaster or mass disaster.

3. Conducting Social Services
Health social charity activities like this are often carried out by various civil society organizations, while the particular celebration, especially when there are natural disasters.

4. Promote Social Support
To sign, collect coins justice had a banner information, conduct a peaceful demonstration, as a form of togetherness.

5. Utilizing Social Networking Sites
World of information technology is famous be used, through social networking sites friendship, FaceBook or Twitter, to support the unity of the particular case that happened to public officials, political leaders, artists, ordinary or common people.

One of the actions to foster and strengthen the "social solidarity" is the awareness to all citizens about the causes of poverty and how to help the little people they are. In other words, if used medical term awareness of the diagnosis and therapy of poverty. Structuring a life together in the social, economic, political or social structures that cause poverty. Medium therapy is the greater participation of poor people in deciding the arrangement of life together. Which is still strong in society is awareness or incorrect diagnosis is poor people are poor because of their mentality, that is lazy, does not persevere in the attempt, it is easy to despair and apathy, accept fate. Though small folk mentality emerged and survived because of the existing social structure that has endured for years.

Another view is about the strong culture of inequality. Inequality in society understood as being taken for granted. Differences rich and poor is considered normal. People instead of feeling ashamed but instead be proud that his lifestyle is very different from the lifestyle of the poor.

Cultural inequality and incorrect diagnoses in the over grown because of the notion of personality Achieving or Achieving Society: what someone obtained it due to a strong desire for someone to excel. Because people also have to compete with others. Which is reasonable in the competition already got rewarded. is a
the myth that success is entirely dependent on the willingness to excel. Should be aware that the structure of "social" that is very supportive of one's success.

This false consciousness come perpetuate inequality "social" economies, politics in society. Moreover, this false consciousness that hinder the need for "solidarity" with the people ketch

The implications of appropriate therapy so little people can free themselves from their poverty, that their participation in managing the common life, is the importance of the distribution of power. This means that the common people should be involved in political activities. They should be free to organize, free of political education.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

vocabulary listening

Name  : Erlina Indriani
Class  : 2SA01
NPM  : 12613947

Vocabulary Listening

1.       Right
KBBI                                   : hak / benar/ milik; kepunyaan
oxford                              : what is morally good or correct/ moral or legal claim to get sth or to behave in a particular way
2.  Restricted
KBBI                  : pembatasan /pem·ba·tas·an/ n 1 proses, cara, perbuatan membatasi; 2 Ling syarat yg menentukan atau membatasi penerapan kaidah kebahasaan
OXFORD                             : limit something; stop sb/st from moving freely
3.  Free speech
KBBI                                : bebas berpendapat/ n ki 1 keadaan bebas untuk member pendapat di depan umum
OXFORD                            : right to express one’s opinions in public
4.  Equality
KBBI                                   : kesetaraan status
OXFORD                           : fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages,  etc
5.  Apartheid
KBBI                                  : pamabatsan/ diskriminasi ras
OXFORD                           : ( in south Africa in the past) official government policy of keeping people of different races separate
6.  Forced labor
KBBI                     : kerja paksa/ pe-kerjaan yg harus dilakukan secara paksa (tanpa diberi upah)
OXFORD                         : hard physical work that someone, often a prisoner or slaves, is forced to do, 2. prisoners or slaves who are forced to work
7.  Surveillance
KBBI                              : mengamati/ mengawasi /meng·a·wasi/ v 1 melihat dan memperhatikan  (tingkah laku orang); 2 mengamat-amati dan menjaga baik-baik; mengontrol;
OXFORD                        : the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where  a crime may be committed. syn Observation
8.  Confidential
KBBI                        :  rahasia /ra·ha·sia / 1 n sesuatu yg sengaja disembunyikan supaya tidak diketahui orang lain:
OXFORD                        : 1. meant to keep secret and not told or shared with other people, 2. (of a way of speaking) showing that what you are saying private or secret, 3.(only before noun)  only trusted with private or secret information
9.  Campaigned
KBBI                        : kampanye /kam·pa·nye/ n 1 gerakan (tindakan) serentak (untuk melawan,   mengadakan aksi, dsb); 2 kegiatan yg dilaksanakan oleh organisasi politik atau calon yg bersaing memperebutkan kedudukan dl parlemen dsb untuk mendapat dukungan massa pemilih dl suatu pemungutan suara;/ berkampanye /ber·kam·pa·nye/ v mengadakan kampanye (untuk melawan, mengadakan aksi,   dsb);
OXFORD                       : noun 1.  a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a  particular  social, commercial or politic aim. verb take part in campaign
10. Regime
KBBI                             : aturan/ tata cara/ peraturan /per·a·tur·an/ n 1 tataan (petunjuk, kaidah,    ketentuan) yg dibuat untuk mengatur:/ aturan /atur·an/ n 1 hasil perbuatan mengatur; (segala sesuatu) yg sudah diatur, cara (ketentuan, patokan,  petunjuk, perintah) yg telah ditetapkan supaya diturut
OXFORD                           : 1. a government, especially one that has not been elected in a fair way, 2. a  method or system of organizing or managing something
11. Civil right
    KBBI                                 : hak yang dimiliki setiap warga negara
OXFORD                          :1.  right of each citizen to freedom and equality, 2. the right that every person  in a society has, for example to be treated equally, to be able to vote, wore, etc. whatever their sex, race or religion.
12. Cause
KBBI                                  : penyebab /pe·nye·bab/ n yg menyebabkan
OXFORD                         : 1. person or thing that makes sth happen, 2. (for) reason, 3. organization or   idea that is strongly supported

Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

12 words - Vocabulary Listening

Name  : Erlina Indriani
Class  : 2SA01
NPM  : 12613947

Vocabulary Listening

1.       Right
KBBI                  : hak / benar/ milik; kepunyaan
oxford                 : what is morally good or correct/ moral or legal claim to get sth or to behave in a particular way
2.   Restricted
KBBI            : pembatasan /pem·ba·tas·an/ n 1 proses, cara, perbuatan membatasi; 2 Ling syarat yg menentukan atau membatasi penerapan kaidah kebahasaan
OXFORD           : limit something; stop sb/st from moving freely
3.       Free speech
KBBI                : bebas berpendapat/ n ki 1 keadaan bebas untuk member pendapat di depan umum
OXFORD           : right to express one’s opinions in public
4.       Equality
KBBI                   : kesetaraan status
OXFORD            : fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages,  etc
5.       Apartheid
KBBI                    : pamabatsan/ diskriminasi ras
OXFORD           : ( in south Africa in the past) official government policy of keeping people of different races separate
6.       Forced labor
KBBI                   : kerja paksa/ pe-kerjaan yg harus dilakukan secara paksa (tanpa diberi upah)
OXFORD            : hard physical work that someone, often a prisoner or slaves, is forced to do, 2. prisoners or slaves who are forced to work
7.       Surveillance
KBBI               : mengamati/ mengawasi /meng·a·wasi/ v 1 melihat dan memperhatikan  (tingkah laku orang); 2 mengamat-amati dan menjaga baik-baik; mengontrol;
OXFORD        : the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where  a crime may be committed. syn Observation
8.       Confidential
KBBI                : rahasia /ra·ha·sia / 1 n sesuatu yg sengaja disembunyikan supaya tidak diketahui orang lain:
OXFORD        : 1. meant to keep secret and not told or shared with other people, 2. (of a way of speaking) showing that what you are saying private or secret, 3.(only before noun)  only trusted with private or secret information
9.       Campaigned
KBBI                  : kampanye /kam·pa·nye/ n 1 gerakan (tindakan) serentak (untuk melawan,   mengadakan aksi, dsb); 2 kegiatan yg dilaksanakan oleh organisasi politik atau calon yg bersaing memperebutkan kedudukan dl parlemen dsb untuk mendapat dukungan massa pemilih dl suatu pemungutan suara;/ berkampanye /ber·kam·pa·nye/ v mengadakan kampanye (untuk melawan, mengadakan aksi,   dsb);
OXFORD          : noun 1.  a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular  social, commercial or politic aim. verb take part in campaign
10.   Regime
KBBI                : aturan/ tata cara/ peraturan /per·a·tur·an/ n 1 tataan (petunjuk, kaidah,   ketentuan) yg dibuat untuk mengatur:/ aturan /atur·an/ n 1 hasil perbuatan mengatur; (segala sesuatu) yg sudah diatur, cara (ketentuan, patokan,  petunjuk, perintah) yg telah ditetapkan supaya diturut
OXFORD             : 1. a government, especially one that has not been elected in a fair way, 2. a  method or system of organizing or managing something
11.   Civil right
       KBBI                 :  Hak atas kebebasan dan kesetaraan setiap warga
OXFORD           :1.  right of each citizen to freedom and equality, 2. the right that every person  in a society has, for example to be treated equally, to be able to vote, wore, etc. whatever their sex, race or religion.
12.   Cause
KBBI                       : penyebab /pe·nye·bab/ n yg menyebabkan
OXFORD               : 1. person or thing that makes sth happen, 2. (for) reason, 3. organization or   idea that is strongly supported