Minggu, 05 Oktober 2014

12 words - Vocabulary Listening

Name  : Erlina Indriani
Class  : 2SA01
NPM  : 12613947

Vocabulary Listening

1.       Right
KBBI                  : hak / benar/ milik; kepunyaan
oxford                 : what is morally good or correct/ moral or legal claim to get sth or to behave in a particular way
2.   Restricted
KBBI            : pembatasan /pem·ba·tas·an/ n 1 proses, cara, perbuatan membatasi; 2 Ling syarat yg menentukan atau membatasi penerapan kaidah kebahasaan
OXFORD           : limit something; stop sb/st from moving freely
3.       Free speech
KBBI                : bebas berpendapat/ ke.be.bas.an n ki 1 keadaan bebas untuk member pendapat di depan umum
OXFORD           : right to express one’s opinions in public
4.       Equality
KBBI                   : kesetaraan status
OXFORD            : fact of being equal in rights, status, advantages,  etc
5.       Apartheid
KBBI                    : pamabatsan/ diskriminasi ras
OXFORD           : ( in south Africa in the past) official government policy of keeping people of different races separate
6.       Forced labor
KBBI                   : kerja paksa/ pe-kerjaan yg harus dilakukan secara paksa (tanpa diberi upah)
OXFORD            : hard physical work that someone, often a prisoner or slaves, is forced to do, 2. prisoners or slaves who are forced to work
7.       Surveillance
KBBI               : mengamati/ mengawasi /meng·a·wasi/ v 1 melihat dan memperhatikan  (tingkah laku orang); 2 mengamat-amati dan menjaga baik-baik; mengontrol;
OXFORD        : the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where  a crime may be committed. syn Observation
8.       Confidential
KBBI                : rahasia /ra·ha·sia / 1 n sesuatu yg sengaja disembunyikan supaya tidak diketahui orang lain:
OXFORD        : 1. meant to keep secret and not told or shared with other people, 2. (of a way of speaking) showing that what you are saying private or secret, 3.(only before noun)  only trusted with private or secret information
9.       Campaigned
KBBI                  : kampanye /kam·pa·nye/ n 1 gerakan (tindakan) serentak (untuk melawan,   mengadakan aksi, dsb); 2 kegiatan yg dilaksanakan oleh organisasi politik atau calon yg bersaing memperebutkan kedudukan dl parlemen dsb untuk mendapat dukungan massa pemilih dl suatu pemungutan suara;/ berkampanye /ber·kam·pa·nye/ v mengadakan kampanye (untuk melawan, mengadakan aksi,   dsb);
OXFORD          : noun 1.  a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve a particular  social, commercial or politic aim. verb take part in campaign
10.   Regime
KBBI                : aturan/ tata cara/ peraturan /per·a·tur·an/ n 1 tataan (petunjuk, kaidah,   ketentuan) yg dibuat untuk mengatur:/ aturan /atur·an/ n 1 hasil perbuatan mengatur; (segala sesuatu) yg sudah diatur, cara (ketentuan, patokan,  petunjuk, perintah) yg telah ditetapkan supaya diturut
OXFORD             : 1. a government, especially one that has not been elected in a fair way, 2. a  method or system of organizing or managing something
11.   Civil right
       KBBI                 :  Hak atas kebebasan dan kesetaraan setiap warga
OXFORD           :1.  right of each citizen to freedom and equality, 2. the right that every person  in a society has, for example to be treated equally, to be able to vote, wore, etc. whatever their sex, race or religion.
12.   Cause
KBBI                       : penyebab /pe·nye·bab/ n yg menyebabkan
OXFORD               : 1. person or thing that makes sth happen, 2. (for) reason, 3. organization or   idea that is strongly supported

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