Senin, 08 Mei 2017

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Name               : Erlina Indriani
Class                :4SA01
NPM                : 12613947

Saya adalah seorang kutu buku, saya memiliki sahabat pena yang bernama Tika. Ia menjadi bunga desa di desanya, namun sayangnya karena julukan tersebut ia menjadi seorang yang besar kepala.banyak laki-laki buaya darat dan bermata keranjang yang mendekatinya.Tika memiliki seorang ayah yang berprofesi sebagai lintah darat , dalam menjalani profesinya, ayah Tika tebal muka dan tidak peduli terhadap keadaan orang lain.Akibatnya ia menajadi buah bibir di desanya.
               Padahal buah hatinya sering mengingatkan bahwa tindakannya itu tidak benar, Tika juga menyarankan agar mencari pekerjaan lain yang halal, tetapi ia tidak menghiraukan dan justru bersikap ringan tangan terhadap putrinya. Meskipun sering dikasari oleh ayahnya, Tika tetap menyikapinya dengan kepala dingin. Ayah Tika juga mempunyai hobi bermain judi, ia sering menjadi kuda hitam dalam permainan tersebut. Dan pada suatu hari ia di razia oleh kepolisian, akibatnya ia di adili di meja hijau.
               Sementara itu, ketika ayah Tika dipenjara, tak ada lagi yang mencarikan nafkah. Terpaksa ibu tika harus banting tulang. Ibu Tika membuka usaha warung makan, namun tak lama kemudian usahanya itu gulung tikar disebabkan karena modal yang terbatas dan sepinya pelanggan.
               Akhirnya Tika harus bekerja keras agar bisa mencukupi kebutuhannya, beruntung Tika memiliki bakat sebagai penulis. Ia mengandalkan bakatnya untuk mendapatkan uang, ia juga sering mengikuti kompetisi menulis, berkat tulisannya yang memukau banyak orang, ia mendadak menjadi seorang yang naik daun. Meski terkenal, ia tetap rendah hati.
                Bahkan ia tidak malu mengakui ayahnya yang memiliki catatan hitam. Dan sayangnya, walaupun ayah Tika pernah mendekam di penjara, ia tidak kapok dan sering mengulangi kesalahannya. Dan meskipun sering diingatkan oleh Tika, ayahnya masih saja kepala batu. Walau begitu, Tika sangat menyayangi ayahnya.

Google Translation

I am a nerd, I have a pen pal named Tika. He became a village flower in his village, but unfortunately because of his nickname he became a big head. Many land-crocodile men and edged baskets who approached him. If he has a father who works as a moneylender, in his profession, Tika's father is thick and No matter to the circumstances of others. As a result he became a byword in his village.
Though his baby often reminded that his actions were not true, Tika also suggested that look for another halal job, but he ignored and just be light handed to his daughter. Though often berasari by his father, Tika still react with a cold head. Tika's father also has a hobby of gambling, he often becomes a dark horse in the game. And one day he was raided by the police, consequently he was on trial at the green table.
Meanwhile, when Tika's father was imprisoned, nobody else ever made a living. Forced mother must tika bone. Ibu Tika opened a food stall, but soon her business was out of business due to limited capital and lonely customers.
Finally Tika must work hard in order to meet his needs, lucky Tika has a talent as a writer. He relied on his talent for earning money, he also often joined the writing competition, thanks to his stunning writing, he suddenly became a rising man. Although famous, he remains humble.
In fact he is not ashamed to admit his father who has a black record. And unfortunately, even though Tika's father was in jail, she did not give up and often repeated her mistakes. And although often reminded by Tika, her father is still a stone head. Even so, Tika is very fond of her father.

My translation

I was a nerd, I had  a pen pal named Tika. He became the most beautiful girl in her village, but unfortunately because of its nickname she became arrogant. Many playboys approached her. Tika’s father worked as a moneylender. He was shameless and didn’t care with all the situations around him. As a result, he became a byword in his village
            Whereas his son often reminded that his action was not good.  Tika also suggested to look for another halal job, but he ignored her and  light hand to his daughter. Although she was cruded by her father. Tika still behaved sensible. Hobby of tika’s father is gambling, he often becomes a unexpected winner in the game. And one day he was raided by the police, consequently he was on trial at a court of law.
            Meanwhile, when Tika’s father was imprisoned, there was nobody who look for daily needs. Mother’s tika should work with an inner hunger. Tika’s mother opened a food stall, but it was not long because her business was bankrupt.
            Finally, tika should work hard in order to fulfill the daily needs. Luckily, tika had a talent as a writer, because of her talent. She counted on it to earn money. She also often joined a writing competition. Because of it, she suddenly became a rising star. Even though she was famous, she was still down to earth.
            In fact, she was not ashamed to admit her father who had a black record. Unfortunately, Even tika’s father was in jail, he did not give up and often repeated his mistakes. And even though her father often was remind by tika, her father was still subborn. Even so, tika loved her father so much.