Kamis, 13 Maret 2014


Name            : ERLINA INDRIANI
Class            : 1SA04
NPM            : 12613947

First of all, I will explain tourism according to the expert, Herman Von Schollard in 1910 “tourism is sum total of operators, mainly of economic nature, which directly relate to the entry, stay and movement of foreigner inside and outside a certain country, city or a region”.

By the United Definition there are three form of tourism. First Domestic tourism, involving residents of the given country traveling only within this country; second, Inbound tourism, involving non-residents traveling in the given country; third Outbound tourism, involving residents traveling in another country..

In my opinion  tourism is an activity where someone visit an interesting place just for a few time not for a long time which is usually they do not in around home but in other environments because they need entertainment and heart's desire to visit interesting places.

As social human we can no live  without other people. Therefore everyone always need cooperate with others even cooperate with people who come from different country, including the activities of tourism. There are so many country in the world which cooperate with other country  in tourism field to make a gain each other. Example cooperate between Indonesia and Filipina. The Areas of cooperation have been agreed in tourism sector, the fields of research and development, education and training, promotion of tourism, and also to strengthen relation between two country.

So with this cooperate in tourism I see there are advantages and disadvantages especially in economic field. The advantages of tourism in economic field are increasing income for government, giving jobs for local communities such as tour guide, waiter, provide economic benefit to hotel and restaurant around tourist spot, increase foreign exchange. But disadvantages of tourism are increase the price of goods in the tourism spot, the government spent a lot of money to repair the building to give pleasure for tourist.

I suggest you, if you want to travel you have to prepare yourself such as, make sure if you are healthy, deposable income- money to spend on non-essential, leisure time, tourism infrastructure such as transportation and accommodation, and invite your friend to make your journey Great.

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