Rabu, 24 September 2014

the best answer from Allah SWT

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

My name is erlina indriani. I'm the third of five child. My sisters are Esty Setianingsih and Endah Yulianingsih. My brothers are Arif Aryanto and Rachmad Riski Hariyanto.

Yesterday was 23rd Sept 2014. I , my sister     'Endah' and my Mother made a conversation together. We talked about the rule of our religion. It is Islam. We almost spent 3 hours to talk about it. Suddenly in the middle of our conversation i have a question to my sister. I asked her "why Allah make my prayers come true so long? " and my sister answered "there are three rules that you have to know why allah give your prayers so long. First. If you want every your prayers were approved by Allah you  have to pray all the time not only one time. Second if allah isn't give what you want yet perhaps Allah has a good plan which is the best for you in the next. and third allah will change or give what  you want in allah's jannah." And suddenly i was stucked and thinking that Allah is the best planner for every human who live in the world." Because not every what we think nice,  it is also nice in Allah' eyes, may be what think bad that will be the best for us" I was shocked and at the same time i said Astaghfirullah because my perception about it. So thankyou so much for all the best planner that you've given to me. I'm so grateful to have you Allah.

Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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